Title: The Coming Judgement (6)
Series: The Book of Jude
Author: Collin Wimberly
Text: Jude 14-16
CIT - Enoch prophesied of the coming judgment of God upon apostates.
This is one of the most interesting and most sobering passages in the book of Jude.
This is a prophecy of Enoch. Enoch was the seventh generation from Adam. He was the son of Jared, the father of Methuselah. He lived 365 years, the Bible tells us that during that time Enoch walked with God. So much so, that instead of death, Enoch was translated into the presence of God.
He is mentioned in Hebrews as an example of faith.
Judaism regards Enoch as a model of righteousness. He was God's special friend. In heaven he was taught to be the guardian of all the celestial treasures and the one who knows and understands all secrets and mysteries.
Several books were written in his name. They were not inspired. They are not lost books of the Bible. God never intended for them to be included in the canon of Scripture. God's word is perfect and complete.
God did use a quote from one of the books in his word. Only the portion contained in Scripture can be considered inspired.
In the passage of Scripture, we are escorted into a great and majestic courtroom. The angels have gathered men, women, young and old, rich and poor, famous and unknown, to this great judgment. It is a terrible day, a day of justice, a day of recompense, and a day of wrath.
What do we discover about this coming judgment from our passage?
I) THE JUDGE - VS. 14 - The Lord comes
Jesus Christ is the Lord. He is the judge.
1 Peter 4:5 (NASB95)
5 but they will give account to Him who is ready to judge the living and the dead.
"The entire NT is overshadowed by the certainty of a coming day of universal judgment - the day of wrath. Is this consistent with the character of God?
God is a holy God. He cannot and will not overlook or ignore sin. Throughout the Bible God has ju ...
Series: The Book of Jude
Author: Collin Wimberly
Text: Jude 14-16
CIT - Enoch prophesied of the coming judgment of God upon apostates.
This is one of the most interesting and most sobering passages in the book of Jude.
This is a prophecy of Enoch. Enoch was the seventh generation from Adam. He was the son of Jared, the father of Methuselah. He lived 365 years, the Bible tells us that during that time Enoch walked with God. So much so, that instead of death, Enoch was translated into the presence of God.
He is mentioned in Hebrews as an example of faith.
Judaism regards Enoch as a model of righteousness. He was God's special friend. In heaven he was taught to be the guardian of all the celestial treasures and the one who knows and understands all secrets and mysteries.
Several books were written in his name. They were not inspired. They are not lost books of the Bible. God never intended for them to be included in the canon of Scripture. God's word is perfect and complete.
God did use a quote from one of the books in his word. Only the portion contained in Scripture can be considered inspired.
In the passage of Scripture, we are escorted into a great and majestic courtroom. The angels have gathered men, women, young and old, rich and poor, famous and unknown, to this great judgment. It is a terrible day, a day of justice, a day of recompense, and a day of wrath.
What do we discover about this coming judgment from our passage?
I) THE JUDGE - VS. 14 - The Lord comes
Jesus Christ is the Lord. He is the judge.
1 Peter 4:5 (NASB95)
5 but they will give account to Him who is ready to judge the living and the dead.
"The entire NT is overshadowed by the certainty of a coming day of universal judgment - the day of wrath. Is this consistent with the character of God?
God is a holy God. He cannot and will not overlook or ignore sin. Throughout the Bible God has ju ...
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