Title: Picture of Apostasy (5)
Series: The Book of Jude
Author: Collin Wimberly
Text: Jude 12-13
CIT - Jude describes apostates.
Proposition - Christians today must be aware of and avoid apostate teachers
An apostate is one who rejects the truth. It is rebellion or abandonment of the faith.
I) HIDDEN REEFS - THEY ARE DANGEROUS - Vs. 12 - spots in your love feasts
First, what is a love feast? A full meal followed by communion. Believers brought food and shared a meal together. Everyone brought what they could. The churches were house churches at this time, there were no formal buildings such as the one we meet in - these would have been illegal. This was one time in which the people all sat down together and fellowshipped over food. Note: Fellowship meals have been a part of Christian history from the beginning. We joke about his today, but there is a bond of fellowship that can be enjoyed around a meal that is unique.
For some of the slaves and poorer people, this may have been the only decent meal they ever ate.
There was trouble in these meals from the beginning. In Corinth there was division, unfairness between the rich and the poor, and even drunkenness.
"spots in your love feasts" The NAS rightly translates this "hidden reefs in your love feasts." The noun is commonly used in Greek to describe rocks in the sea, close to the shore. They were mostly submerged, and dangerous to ships.
Apostates often hide in the fellowship of the church or Christian university. Their teaching is like hidden rocks or submerged ice-bergs just waiting to wreck and sink the faith of God's people. ILLUS: Values class at LC - lead many to embrace a universalistic view of salvation.
A) THEY ARE WITHOUT CONSCIENCE - feast with you without fear - Literally this means without inhibition. They teach false doctrine, divide the church, and destroy the faith of many, without the slightest qualm.
ILLUS: Listening to Jimmy Swagger ...
Series: The Book of Jude
Author: Collin Wimberly
Text: Jude 12-13
CIT - Jude describes apostates.
Proposition - Christians today must be aware of and avoid apostate teachers
An apostate is one who rejects the truth. It is rebellion or abandonment of the faith.
I) HIDDEN REEFS - THEY ARE DANGEROUS - Vs. 12 - spots in your love feasts
First, what is a love feast? A full meal followed by communion. Believers brought food and shared a meal together. Everyone brought what they could. The churches were house churches at this time, there were no formal buildings such as the one we meet in - these would have been illegal. This was one time in which the people all sat down together and fellowshipped over food. Note: Fellowship meals have been a part of Christian history from the beginning. We joke about his today, but there is a bond of fellowship that can be enjoyed around a meal that is unique.
For some of the slaves and poorer people, this may have been the only decent meal they ever ate.
There was trouble in these meals from the beginning. In Corinth there was division, unfairness between the rich and the poor, and even drunkenness.
"spots in your love feasts" The NAS rightly translates this "hidden reefs in your love feasts." The noun is commonly used in Greek to describe rocks in the sea, close to the shore. They were mostly submerged, and dangerous to ships.
Apostates often hide in the fellowship of the church or Christian university. Their teaching is like hidden rocks or submerged ice-bergs just waiting to wreck and sink the faith of God's people. ILLUS: Values class at LC - lead many to embrace a universalistic view of salvation.
A) THEY ARE WITHOUT CONSCIENCE - feast with you without fear - Literally this means without inhibition. They teach false doctrine, divide the church, and destroy the faith of many, without the slightest qualm.
ILLUS: Listening to Jimmy Swagger ...
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