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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: Matthew 1:18-25
This content is part of a series.

Title: The Miracle of Salvation (2)
Series: Miracles of Christmas
Author: Jeff Schreve
Text: Matthew 1:18-25

?If you have your Bible, please turn to Matthew chapter 1. We started a series for Christmas called "The Miracles of Christmas." And today, we want to talk about "The Miracle of Salvation."

?Now, as I introduced this series last week, I talked about the phrase, "A Christmas miracle." And, you know, it's wonderful to pray for a Christmas miracle. I heard about an elderly woman. She was in her mid-80s, andshe needed a Christmas miracle. And she wrote a letter to God and mailed it. And the people at the post office they got this letter addressed to God, and they could tell because the writing was a little shaky that it was probably an elderly person. And they said, "Well, it's not going to God." So, they opened it up, and they read this lady's letter. And she said, "Dear God, I'm in need of a Christmas miracle." She said, "I'm having these widow ladies over to my house for Christmas dinner," and she said, "I had my purse stolen. It had a hundred dollars in it. That was the money that I was going to use. That's all I have until my next check comes in, and that's all the money I have. I was going to use it to buy the groceries." And she just said, "God, I'm just trusting You, and I'm asking You for a Christmas miracle." Well, the post office people read that, and they were so moved by that, that they said, "Let's take up an offering for this lady." And so, they took up an offering. They came up with $96.00. And they put it in an envelope, and they sent it to her. And they just felt so good about, we're going to make this lady's Christmas. We're going to be her Christmas miracle. Well, Christmas came and went. And about a week or so after Christmas, they got another letter addressed to God from that same shaky handwriting. And they opened it up, and they said, "Oh, what's she going to say?" And she said, "Oh, dear God, thank You so ...

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