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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: Philippians 2:5-11
This content is part of a series.

Title: The Miracle of the Incarnation (1)
Series: Miracles of Christmas
Author: Jeff Schreve
Text: Philippians 2:5-11

If you have your Bible, please turn to Philippians chapter 2. Now, as the song says, "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas." Christmas falls at a weird time this year because December 1st was last Sunday, right after Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving kind of fell at a weird time, so we didn't really have anything set up until this Sunday. So, this is kind of the start of Christmas for us at First BaptistTexarkana. And it looks wonderful. Let's give a shout-out to those that worked so hard. And we have some wonderful ladies on our staff that really help us with this, and our maintenance department, Rob, and everybody that works so hard. But it is beginning to look a lot like Christmas. I haven't been to the stores yet, but when you go there, you're going to see everything decorated. I was at the airport. I went to Florida last week. And the airports are all decorated. Shreveport Airport was all decorated. It looked really pretty. And Orlando Airport looked really pretty. We love Christmastime. I love Christmas and the music and all that is associated with Christmas. And we talk about, at Christmastime, a Christmas miracle. You know, lots of the shows that you watch at Christmastime are all geared for a Christmas miracle. Have you ever noticed that Hallmark, you always get a Christmas miracle. And you watch the first thirty seconds and you know, this guy, this girl, they're getting together, they're going to fall in love. And what a great story. People still watch them. Debbie watches and makes me watch with her. And so, we watch those, and they're fun because we like things to have a happy ending. And so, we think about a Christmas miracle. Are you praying for a Christmas miracle? Is there something that you want to see happen this Christmas, and you're asking God? He is the God of all might and all power and all miracle. And s ...

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