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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: Nehemiah 1:1-11
This content is part of a series.

Title: Stirred to Service (1 of 7)
Series: Pulling Together with a Purpose
Text: Nehemiah 1:1-11

I - The Direct Appeal of Nehemiah (1 - 2)

II - The Disturbing Answer of Nehemiah (3)

III - The Deliberate Actions of Nehemiah (4)

IV - The Devoted Address of Nehemiah (5 - 10)

V - The Desirous Aim of Nehemiah (11)

This sermon contains a fully alliterated outline, with subpoints.

Coming Into Focus

I love the following comments by Pastor Chip Monck, whom also preached on the vision and the valor of Nehemiah, as follows:

I want you to catch one simple, and I believe Biblical truth about vision today. If you are at a point of heartache, burden, and discontent, you may be right where God wants you. Because it is a common experience and reality that vision is often birthed at times of desperation. As long as we are content with the status quo, we will struggle to obtain a vision. As long as we are comfortable with the way things are, we cannot receive God's vision.

It is at that point of desperation that things change from just filling bags with sand to building a dike in order to save a town. Think about the difference between those two. Because for most of us, marriage, raising children, work, God forbid, even church, can become filling bags. No clear purpose to it.

Just scoop up another shovel of sand, drop it in a bag, another bag, another day, another service, and another Sunday, going through the motions.

But saving a city. Saving a marriage. Saving a life. That is an altogether different thing. When you are building a dike, the filling a bag with sand takes on an entirely greater meaning. The chore becomes a challenge. The routine becomes a rescue. The mundane becomes major. And heartache, burden, discontent, give way to vision.

Andy Stanley writes, "Everybody ends up somewhere in life. A few people end up somewhere on purpose. Those are the ones with vision."
So how do we get back into focus?

How do we find ...

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