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by Brad Whitt

Scripture: Psalms 119:105
This content is part of a series.

Title: The Guidebook for Graduates (3 of 4)
Series: All in the Family
Author: Brad Whitt
Text: Psalm 119:105


Take your copy of God's Word-some of you have a brand new one-and turn with me to Psalm 119. (It's right there in the middle of your Bible.) I want to share some insight and inspiration with our graduates-and let the rest of us listen in for just a few minutes-as I speak on this subject: "The Guidebook for Graduates."

If you have a printed copy of your Bible with you this morning, hold it up.

The Bible is the one book owned by more people in America than any other book.

But - and here's the question - do most people who have a Bible really and truly know what the Bible is, says, and teaches?

QUOTE: Billy Graham, "Today there are more people who know the words to a television commercial than know the words in the Bible."

STATS: A poll conducted by Gallup and Castelli showed that -

- Fewer than half of all adults can name the first four books of the Bible.

- Only 4 out of 10 people who claim to be Christians know that Jesus preached the Sermon on the Mount.

- Only 14% can name the 10 Commandments.

- Most respondents didn't know that Jesus had twelve disciples or that He was born in Bethlehem.

- Only 3 out of 10 - 20 percent - of teenagers who attend church regularly could say why we celebrate Easter.

Illustration: Those statistics reminded me of a Sunday School teacher talking to a young boy's class. She said, "Who went into the lion's den and came out without a scratch?" One little boy blurted out, 'Tarzan!'"

Far too many people, including Christians, have the Bible in their homes but not in their hearts.
What a tragedy.

The Psalmist wrote in Psalm 119:162 that this book, the Bible, is a treasure chest full of all kinds of gems, jewels, and treasure, and it's a joy for anybody who will mine its riches.

QUOTE: My first mentor, John Adams, called the book of Psalms the "Hebrew H ...

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