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by Brad Whitt

Scripture: Titus 2:1-5
This content is part of a series.

Title: Motherhood Isn't for Sissies (2 of 4)
Series: All in the Family
Author: Brad Whitt
Text: Titus 2:1-5


Take your Bibles and turn with me to the little book of Titus near the end of the New Testament. I want us to read Titus chapter 2, verses 1-5, and I want to tell you what you already know: "Motherhood Isn't for Sissies!"

Illustration: An article posted on April 10 of this year (2024)Time Magazine dealt with the issue of "Why So Women Are Waiting Longer to Have Kids." In that article, Jamie Ducharme wrote: "In 1970, the average woman in the U.S. had her first baby at around 21 years old." That's hard to imagine now: new federal data published in April showed that in 2022, the average first-time mother was a little older than 27-a record high for the country and a sign of a major demographic change.

This shift has been underway for years. Teenagers and women in their early 20s are having fewer kids, while the opposite is happening among older age groups. In 2022, for the seventh year in a row, the birth rate among U.S. women in their early 30s was higher than among those in their late 20s. Perhaps even more notably, the number of babies born to women 40 and older, while still low overall, rose considerably from 2021 to 2022: up 6% among women ages 40 to 44 and 12% among those older than 45."

JOKE: I read an article entitled, "Why God Created Menopause." In the article, a 65-year-old lady decided to have a baby. With the help of modern medicine, this lady conceived and delivered a baby. She took that baby home, and all her relatives came to see the baby. They asked the new mom, "Can we see the baby?"

And she said, "Not yet."

They waited 10 minutes and then asked again, "Can we see the baby now?"

She said, "No, not just yet."

So, they sat on the couch for what seemed to be an eternity and then blurted out, "Now? Can we see the baby now?"

And she said, "Nope. Not yet. Just wait."

So, they waited some ...

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