Title: Christmas Party Crashers (2)
Series: Christmas Party
Author: Steve Jones
Text: Luke 2
Sermon Summarry: The shepherds show us 4 ways to practice the joy of Christmas. 1) Revelation. 2) Salvation. 3) Affirmation. 4) Proclamation.
INTRODUCTION: Our sermon series is entitled "Christmas Party." Today let's spend a few minutes reflecting on the shepherds in the Christmas narrative. The shepherds were UNEXPECTED guests at Jesus' Christmas Party. Picture a mother going into the maternity ward of the hospital expecting to have a nice quiet birth with just the doctor and her husband present. When suddenly a large group of student interns shows up to observe and learn. AWKWARD! Maybe it wasn't that bad when the shepherds showed up for the birth, but we might call them the "Party Crashers" of the Christmas party. The shepherds were all about joy. Parties are occasions of joy. Joy is one of the defining emotions of the Christmas message. Most people could use a little more joy in their lives. The shepherds show us four ways to practice the joy of Christmas.
"That night there were shepherds staying in the fields nearby, guarding their flocks of sheep. Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared among them, and the radiance of the Lord's glory surrounded them. They were terrified, but the angel reassured them. 'Don't be afraid!' he said" (Luke 2:8-10).
The most striking part of this story is the one that we might not always fully appreciate: the good news of great joy was REVEALED by ANGELS. Here is how it all went down. First, an angel just appeared out of nowhere. The shepherds were by themselves, and then they weren't. Suddenly, he was there. The shepherds were terrified. They weren't terrified just because a stranger had snuck up and got the drop on them. These shepherds were manly men. They didn't scare easy. There was something terrifying about the presence of this angel. You think those DRONES are scary? They got nothin ...
Series: Christmas Party
Author: Steve Jones
Text: Luke 2
Sermon Summarry: The shepherds show us 4 ways to practice the joy of Christmas. 1) Revelation. 2) Salvation. 3) Affirmation. 4) Proclamation.
INTRODUCTION: Our sermon series is entitled "Christmas Party." Today let's spend a few minutes reflecting on the shepherds in the Christmas narrative. The shepherds were UNEXPECTED guests at Jesus' Christmas Party. Picture a mother going into the maternity ward of the hospital expecting to have a nice quiet birth with just the doctor and her husband present. When suddenly a large group of student interns shows up to observe and learn. AWKWARD! Maybe it wasn't that bad when the shepherds showed up for the birth, but we might call them the "Party Crashers" of the Christmas party. The shepherds were all about joy. Parties are occasions of joy. Joy is one of the defining emotions of the Christmas message. Most people could use a little more joy in their lives. The shepherds show us four ways to practice the joy of Christmas.
"That night there were shepherds staying in the fields nearby, guarding their flocks of sheep. Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared among them, and the radiance of the Lord's glory surrounded them. They were terrified, but the angel reassured them. 'Don't be afraid!' he said" (Luke 2:8-10).
The most striking part of this story is the one that we might not always fully appreciate: the good news of great joy was REVEALED by ANGELS. Here is how it all went down. First, an angel just appeared out of nowhere. The shepherds were by themselves, and then they weren't. Suddenly, he was there. The shepherds were terrified. They weren't terrified just because a stranger had snuck up and got the drop on them. These shepherds were manly men. They didn't scare easy. There was something terrifying about the presence of this angel. You think those DRONES are scary? They got nothin ...
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