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by Steve Jones

Scripture: Matthew 1:1-25
This content is part of a series.

Title: Party Prep (1 of 3)
Series: Christmas Party
Author: Steve Jones
Text: Matthew 1

Series Central Idea: Jesus' advent is a time for celebration (Christmas party).

Sermon Summary: In Matthew's genealogy, we celebrate God's party preparations.

1) We celebrate the progenitor of the genealogy

2) We celebrate the passion in the genealogy

3) We celebrate the people of the genealogy

Introduction: The theme of our December sermon series is "Christmas Party." At this time of year, the whole world parties in celebration of Jesus' birth. And rightly so. As the angels proclaimed when he was born, Jesus' birth is good news of great joy. Could you use a little more good news and joy in your life? Then this sermon series is for you. The angels partied. The shepherds partied. Anna and Simeon partied. The magi partied. So, we, too, are going to party hardy. And by party, I mean celebrate. Let's get into the Christmas spirit. Let's enter the joy and celebration of Christmas: falalalalala. Christmas is the biggest and greatest party in the world. The church should get in on it.

?In each message of this series, we're going to look at some aspect of the birth narrative of Jesus and focus on things to celebrate. Today, I want to start with the genealogy of Jesus in Matthew 1. I think that's everybody's favorite part of the story, don't you? You LOVE the genealogy. You were HOPING I would preach on the genealogy and I am. You're welcome. I call this message "Christmas Party Preparation." In the genealogy, we get a glimpse of some of the preparation that went into the birth of Jesus. Believe it or not - there's plenty here to celebrate. Read Matthew 1:1-17.


As we read this genealogy, the first person I want us to celebrate is a person whose name is not mentioned IN this genealogy, yet his fingerprints are all over this genealogy. He is the person who orchestrated this genealogy, owns this genealogy, ...

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