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by Jerry Watts

Scripture: Matthew 16:18-19, Acts 2:36-47

Title: Understanding God's Call to the Church
Author: Jerry Watts
Text: Matthew 16:18-19, Acts 2:36-47

Please turn to Acts 2. Today is the first Sunday of the new year. This is the day to take stock, evaluate, and chart the course for the future. This is called the "State of the Church" message. It's difficult to believe that this is my 5th message with you. After reading those messages again, it is my belief that God wants to do more through us that we even know. So, Let's understand the calling of God to us, on us, and for us. READ TEXT When we talk about 'church' today, it's different than in Bible days (particularly in the Bible Belt south). In Matthew 16, Jesus said, "I'll build my church (in such a way) that the gates of hell will not prevail against it (or better said, defeat it)." He went on to say, "I will give my church the 'keys to the kingdom" so that she, my bride, can open/close, bind/loose on earth (in time) and heaven (eternity). The church will be the answer for mankind. SO, to see the real "State or Condition" of the Church today, from the text let's be reminded of several things.

1. It's Foundation - Jesus is the foundation of any New Testament Church. He came, lived, taught, died (cross), rose from the dead, and ascended to heaven. Now, pause a second and visualize the cross. (Picture in your mind's eye, that bloody mess.) That picture is real because of you and me, because of our sin. Because of the offer of eternal life that came from His cross, He established HIS Church.

The New Testament Church was born in Acts 2, when the Holy Spirit came and saved 3000 people. What was required to start this inner city, multi-staffed church with immediate membership and ministry? What was the foundation upon which it began. The people had to be pierced, pricked, or cut to the heart. In other words, the Holy Spirit convicted them of their lost condition and need for a Savior. They were so impacted that Peter didn't have to sing "Just as I am," o ...

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