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by Brad Whitt

Scripture: Psalms 119:1-176
This content is part of a series.

Title: Forward ... Together in Bible Study (1)
Series: Forward… Together
Author: Brad Whitt
Text: Psalm 119


Take your Bibles this morning and turn to Psalm 119.?

It's a new year here at Abilene. And if you're anything like me, you love a new year.

- New starts

- New opportunities

- New beginnings.

- A "new year, and a new you."

Most of you are likely wearing something new you received for Christmas.

- A new shirt.
- New shoes.

- New jewelry.

- Everybody loves - "New."

A new year is when so many of us make those "New Year's Resolutions."
We're going to -

- Spend more time with our family.

- Get healthy.

- Lose weight.

- Read more.

- Walk more.

- Work out more.

- It's just what we do at the start of a new year.

Example: This is why something I saw on the bottom banner on Fox News caught my attention. Equinox gym - a luxury fitness club - temporarily suspended new memberships on January 1, 2023. Their ad campaign was, "We don't speak January." They said, "It's not you, it's January. January is a fantasy, delivered to your door in a pastel-colored box." They continued, "It talks about change. It needs a new outfit before it can begin. Short-cutting, giving up just a few weeks later. You are not a New Year's resolution. Your life doesn't start at the beginning of the year. And that's not what being part of Equinox is about. We go beyond what's possible. We defy expectations. We are not moderation. We want it all, every day. And you deserve it all."

Well, that got me curious. Why? Why would they do that? Was it just a clever marketing campaign, OR is there a real problem with people joining gyms and seldom or never using them? I thought I knew the answer, but I wanted to find out for sure.

So, I did some research. (That's what I do.) Here's what I discovered:

- Up to 67% of gym memberships are never used.

- And even among those who do use th ...

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