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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: Romans 5:8
This content is part of a series.

Title: Jesus Loves Me, This I Know, The Bible Tells Me So!!! (2)
Series: Knowing God
Author: Donald Cantrell
Text: Romans 5:8

Rom 5:8 KJV - But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

Sermon Series "Knowing God" Sermon 2 of 3

I - The Victimizing of God's Love

II - The Vastness of God's Love

III - The Virtue of God's Love

IV - The Value of God's Love

This sermon contains a fully alliterated outline, with subpoints.

Which God Do You Believe In?

Several years ago, a student in seminary class stood to his feet and announced to the professor, "I don't believe in God!" The professor, unraveled, replied, "Describe this God you don't believe in?" After the student had described an unlovely and vengeful God, the professor confessed, "I don't believe in that God either. My God is a God of love."

Theological Truth

When Karl Barth, the famed German theologian, visited the United States, a student at a seminary supposedly asked, "Dr. Barth, what is the single most important truth you have learned as a theologian?"

Barth replied, "The most important thing I have learned is this: 'Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so.'"

"Jesus loves me" is the central affirmation of the Christian faith and the cornerstone of the nature of God. When God says I love you, he is saying that you matter to him. You are a person of worth. You are valuable to him. Regardless of what others think, in his eyes you are wonderful.
Pastor Rick Ezell

The world thinks that they know God, but most of the world has no clue about the true God. They know a bit about their little spare tire God, the one they pull out in times of emergency and danger, but they know nothing of the true God that loves us and desires to have a real relationship with us.
True Love Is Costly Love

Vietnam veteran and Air Force Colonel John Mansur talks about an eight-year-old orphan girl who was wounded ...

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