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by Collin Wimberly

Scripture: Genesis 39:1-23
This content is part of a series.

Title: Living Clean in a Dirty World (2)
Series: Dreamer
Author: Collin Wimberly
Text: Genesis 39

CIT - Joseph resists the temptations of Potiphar's wife.

Proposition - Christians today can live a clean life in a world full of temptation.


When we left Joseph he was being lead away by a group of Ishmaelite slave traders to the land of Egypt. The long trek across the Sinai desert must have been hard on the young man.

1) His descent into Egypt - It must have been an awe-inspiring site for Joe has he begins his decent into the nile valley Egypt at this time is already an ancient nation. When Joe's great grandfather Abraham had come to Egypt, the great pyramids were already a 1,000 years old. Joseph arrives in Egypt probably around 1700 years before Christ was born.

2) A description of Egypt - Joseph had probably never seen, or imagined a place like Egypt. Bursting with people, Egypt was one of the great commercial centers of the world at this time. Great Caravans converged upon Egypt carrying everything from exotic spices to slaves. Papyrus boats floated along the placid waters of the Nile. Great, thriving cities rose around him, and there were the fabled pyramids and the great Sphinx.

The Egyptians were religious people. Idols of their gods were everywhere. There was Ptah - the artificer god of Memphis, Thah - the god of learning and the moon, Re - the sun god, Nut - the sky-goddess, even the pharaoh was considered a god, the falcon god sky god Horus.

It was in this wicked and idolatrous land that Joseph's life shines.

3) His purchase by Potiphar - Finally, he is lead to the slavers market. He is docketed, ticketed, and marked like baggage. He was taken to the slave market, priced and put up for sale.

But God, the only true God, was with Joseph. He was purchased by a man named Potiphar, An officer of Pharaoh, the captain of the guard. "This group was an elite, courageous band of rugged men. No matter what title ...

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