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by Joey Rodgers

Scripture: Exodus 11:1-10, Exodus 12:1-51
This content is part of a series.

Title: Painted Grace (3)
Series: His Story
Author: Joey Rodgers
Text: Exodus 11-12

Before I get started this AM - I want to encourage you about the upcoming election. While I know it's easy to be cynical about politics - your vote matters. Educate yourself on the candidates and their platforms, filter their agendas thru Scripture, and go to the polls.

Today, in the Gathering Room, we have set up a table to provide information on the election. If you've not registered to vote - you can pick up a voter registration form. It must be returned by Oct. 7. as early voting will begin on Oct. 15. Election day is Nov. 5.

Also, as a means to help educate you about the election - let me encourage you to watch the documentary - Letter to the American Church. It's a film based on the book by Eric Metaxas that I found quite convicting. We're going to show the video here on this Wednesday at 6:30 PM and next Sunday at 5:00 PM.

Turn w/ me to Exodus 11-12 as today we're going to take a look at the most important event in the O.T. - the Passover. Passover is when God rescued the Israelites from Egyptian bondage after they sacrificed a lamb and painted its blood over the doorpost in their homes. Of course, for us, Passover just so happens to parallel the celebration when Jesus became our Passover lamb whose sacrificed His life to liberate us from our slavery to sin. Coincidence? I think NOT!

Let me offer a little background. Due to a severe famine, and the sovereign moving of God to put Jacob's favorite son, Joseph in Egypt, Jacob's family moved to Egypt for some 430 yrs. Over this time, his family grew to over 2 mil. people - which caused the Pharaoh's who ruled over them to feel threatened. As a result, the Pharaohs began enslaving the Israelites, who began crying out to God for His rescuing favor.

It was at this time that God heard their cries and raised up a man named Moses who'd eventually lead the people out of Egypt to the Land of Promise.

When ...

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