Title: Battle Royale (2)
Series: His Story
Author: Joey Rodgers
Text: Genesis 32:20-32
I think most of you know that I was a wrestler in high school - and I was pretty good! In my career, I was 138-12-3 w/ over 100 wins by pin-fall. In fact, the last I heard, I still hold the record for the fastest pin in the state of GA - as I pinned a kid in under 5 secs.
Here's the thing about wrestling - it's grueling! It's one-one, hand-to-hand combat. It's you vs your opponent w/ nowhere to run or hide.
In Genesis 32 - we find the story of possibly the first ever wrestling match - b/w a man named Jacob and God- where there was nowhere for Jake to run or hide.
I have to tell you that Jacob's story is a juxtaposition b/w the sovereign rule of God and the tragic flaws w/in each of us - all played out thru Jacob.
SEE - Jacob was a scoundrel... cheat... and grabber! Officially, his name translates to - one who follows behind scheming to supplant/cheat. And YET - b/c of God's sovereign plan - in spite of his flaws, he's the father of the nation of Israel just as God planned.
In many ways - Jacob is a reminder to us of the old quote that - God can strike a mighty lick w/ a crooked stick!" That is, even God can take failures/mistakes and use them for His glory and our good!
Meaning - for anyone who's ever blown it, made a mistake, or simply isn't perfect (hint - that's all of us), God can still move in your life b/c just like w/ Jacob - God always sees us for what we can become instead of who we are in the moment.
WTM - let me remind you a bit about Jacob's story.
Jacob is one of the major patriarchs of the O.T., but he didn't start that way. Initially, he was the younger twin of Isaac/Rebekah who came out of the womb 2nd grasping the heel of his brother Esau; which according to custom, made him the 2nd string heir of Isaac.
What's interesting is that in Genesis 25:22-23, before the twins were born, God told Rebekah that in spite of cult ...
Series: His Story
Author: Joey Rodgers
Text: Genesis 32:20-32
I think most of you know that I was a wrestler in high school - and I was pretty good! In my career, I was 138-12-3 w/ over 100 wins by pin-fall. In fact, the last I heard, I still hold the record for the fastest pin in the state of GA - as I pinned a kid in under 5 secs.
Here's the thing about wrestling - it's grueling! It's one-one, hand-to-hand combat. It's you vs your opponent w/ nowhere to run or hide.
In Genesis 32 - we find the story of possibly the first ever wrestling match - b/w a man named Jacob and God- where there was nowhere for Jake to run or hide.
I have to tell you that Jacob's story is a juxtaposition b/w the sovereign rule of God and the tragic flaws w/in each of us - all played out thru Jacob.
SEE - Jacob was a scoundrel... cheat... and grabber! Officially, his name translates to - one who follows behind scheming to supplant/cheat. And YET - b/c of God's sovereign plan - in spite of his flaws, he's the father of the nation of Israel just as God planned.
In many ways - Jacob is a reminder to us of the old quote that - God can strike a mighty lick w/ a crooked stick!" That is, even God can take failures/mistakes and use them for His glory and our good!
Meaning - for anyone who's ever blown it, made a mistake, or simply isn't perfect (hint - that's all of us), God can still move in your life b/c just like w/ Jacob - God always sees us for what we can become instead of who we are in the moment.
WTM - let me remind you a bit about Jacob's story.
Jacob is one of the major patriarchs of the O.T., but he didn't start that way. Initially, he was the younger twin of Isaac/Rebekah who came out of the womb 2nd grasping the heel of his brother Esau; which according to custom, made him the 2nd string heir of Isaac.
What's interesting is that in Genesis 25:22-23, before the twins were born, God told Rebekah that in spite of cult ...
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