Title: In the Beginning...?? (1)
Series: His Story
Author: Joey Rodgers
Text: Genesis 1:1?????
I'm EXCITED! I'm excited b/c today we're starting one of the most essential series since I became pastor. We're going to spend the next 12-weeks immersing ourselves in God's Story - His Story!
The story of the Bible is w/out a doubt the greatest of all love stories. It's a compilation of events/stories that reveal God's miraculous plan of redemption. From Genesis 1, to the final verse in Revelation, we're privy to the spectacular narrative of God's relentless love for His creation as we're given a front-row seat to the scarlet thread of God's grace weaving thru history from Eden to Calvary to the promise of a new heaven/earth to be enjoyed w/ our Creator.
Today, I want you to turn w/ me to the Genesis 1:1
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1
In the beginning... that is - before anything was in existence but God - God created (bara) something out of nothing... He created the heavens and the earth. AND - as the psalmist penned - and everything in it.
The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for He founded it on the seas and established it on the waters. Psalm 24:1-2
Yet if we're being honest, few topics are as divisive in our world today than the case for creation.
Case in point - Astrophysicist Niel Degrasse Tyson said in a History Channel documentary - The Universe - The evidence for evolution is so overwhelmingly powerful... for anyone to argue against it is to say they have a fundamental problem w/ science.
YET - evolution like creation has ALWAYS been and will always be a matter of faith - NOT Science!
SEE - contrary to what some believe and attempt to peddle - science and Christianity are not at odds. In fact, when done right, science actually points to the existence of God and the creation narrative.
Example - for years, evolutionist have argued ...
Series: His Story
Author: Joey Rodgers
Text: Genesis 1:1?????
I'm EXCITED! I'm excited b/c today we're starting one of the most essential series since I became pastor. We're going to spend the next 12-weeks immersing ourselves in God's Story - His Story!
The story of the Bible is w/out a doubt the greatest of all love stories. It's a compilation of events/stories that reveal God's miraculous plan of redemption. From Genesis 1, to the final verse in Revelation, we're privy to the spectacular narrative of God's relentless love for His creation as we're given a front-row seat to the scarlet thread of God's grace weaving thru history from Eden to Calvary to the promise of a new heaven/earth to be enjoyed w/ our Creator.
Today, I want you to turn w/ me to the Genesis 1:1
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1
In the beginning... that is - before anything was in existence but God - God created (bara) something out of nothing... He created the heavens and the earth. AND - as the psalmist penned - and everything in it.
The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for He founded it on the seas and established it on the waters. Psalm 24:1-2
Yet if we're being honest, few topics are as divisive in our world today than the case for creation.
Case in point - Astrophysicist Niel Degrasse Tyson said in a History Channel documentary - The Universe - The evidence for evolution is so overwhelmingly powerful... for anyone to argue against it is to say they have a fundamental problem w/ science.
YET - evolution like creation has ALWAYS been and will always be a matter of faith - NOT Science!
SEE - contrary to what some believe and attempt to peddle - science and Christianity are not at odds. In fact, when done right, science actually points to the existence of God and the creation narrative.
Example - for years, evolutionist have argued ...
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