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Title: It Begins
Author: Christopher Harbin
Text: Philippians 1:3-11

In the humblest of spaces where the reportedly important are loathe to go we find truth, meaning, and value. In a world ripped apart by violence, anger, hate, and incivility all powered by greed, God arrives in the simplest guise of all. God's arrival is the greatest of all messages, even when we miss the point. As much as we portray ourselves as important, superior, and greater than any and all others, the Greatest of all enters our midst with no semblance of fanfare.

As far as anyone in Chickasaw knew, it was another night like any other. Nothing special was going on that evening, unless you count a newborn baby's cry. There was nothing of note in most of the ways we consider something important. The newborn did not cry out in a sterile hospital delivery room. There were no doctors or nurses attending in scrubs. We'll never know anything it's Apgar scores. No one recorded weight, length, race, or footprints. The only people to know of this baby's birth should have been the very few in those close quarters tucked away from polite society.

It wasn't even a barn. Here was an abandoned lean-to in the woods, forgotten by most anyone who had ever known of its existence. It was an out-of-the-way place near the railroad tracks, hidden from the sight of any commercial center. Being hidden away was probably the most special thing about this meager escape from the elements. People not knowing about it made it useful.

Police sweeps had torn down the tents in the nearby encampment where they had sheltered. This shack was all the hospitality Wilma could offer these bedraggled strangers in need. Wilma had been here before and she took Nicky under her wing when the community had to flee the camp when the municipal government had cracked down on the visible existence of people without proper housing.

Nicky had been minding her own business when the seer had found her. Looking deep in her eyes wi ...

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