Title: The Battle Within (3 of 6)
Series: This is War
Author: Jeff Schreve
Text: Romans 7:14-25
When I was a kid growing up, we only had a few channels on television. Everybody kind of watched the same shows. And if you were on television back in the late 60s and early 70s, you were really well-known, because when you got three major stations and channel 8 and UHF, I mean, as a kid growing up, it was slim pickings if you had to go to channel 8. You know, you had to watch Romper Room, or something like that if you stayed home from school. But there was a guy that was extremely popular. He had his own television show, his own variety show. His name was Flip Wilson. In 1972, January of 1972, Time Magazine had him on the cover of their magazine, and it says, "TV's First Black Superstar." I have a picture of that Time Magazine copy. And Flip Wilson was very, very funny. And he had a catch phrase that people always tend to associate with him, and the catch phrase was this: "The devil made me do it." Some of you remember Flip Wilson. You remember, he would typically dress up like Geraldine, and he would say that line, "The devil made me do it." He became famous for that statement. Well, think about that for a minute. Is that really true? Can the devil make you do anything? No! The devil is the tempter. He can tempt you to do; he can't make you do anything. But it's nice when you say, "Well, the devil made me do it," so that leaves me out of the equation.
You know, when Adam and Eve sinned, they had an excuse. "What have you done, Adam?" "Well, the woman, whom You gave to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I ate. It's my fault. It's the woman's fault. It's Your fault for giving me the woman." He says to Eve, "What is this that you have done?" "The serpent deceived me, and I ate. The devil made me do it." Well, God wasn't buying that. They did it. They sinned. They ate of the fruit, and it was on them.
?Now, we're in a series en ...
Series: This is War
Author: Jeff Schreve
Text: Romans 7:14-25
When I was a kid growing up, we only had a few channels on television. Everybody kind of watched the same shows. And if you were on television back in the late 60s and early 70s, you were really well-known, because when you got three major stations and channel 8 and UHF, I mean, as a kid growing up, it was slim pickings if you had to go to channel 8. You know, you had to watch Romper Room, or something like that if you stayed home from school. But there was a guy that was extremely popular. He had his own television show, his own variety show. His name was Flip Wilson. In 1972, January of 1972, Time Magazine had him on the cover of their magazine, and it says, "TV's First Black Superstar." I have a picture of that Time Magazine copy. And Flip Wilson was very, very funny. And he had a catch phrase that people always tend to associate with him, and the catch phrase was this: "The devil made me do it." Some of you remember Flip Wilson. You remember, he would typically dress up like Geraldine, and he would say that line, "The devil made me do it." He became famous for that statement. Well, think about that for a minute. Is that really true? Can the devil make you do anything? No! The devil is the tempter. He can tempt you to do; he can't make you do anything. But it's nice when you say, "Well, the devil made me do it," so that leaves me out of the equation.
You know, when Adam and Eve sinned, they had an excuse. "What have you done, Adam?" "Well, the woman, whom You gave to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I ate. It's my fault. It's the woman's fault. It's Your fault for giving me the woman." He says to Eve, "What is this that you have done?" "The serpent deceived me, and I ate. The devil made me do it." Well, God wasn't buying that. They did it. They sinned. They ate of the fruit, and it was on them.
?Now, we're in a series en ...
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