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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: 1 John 2:15-17
This content is part of a series.

Title: Forbidden Love (2 of 6)
Series: This is War
Author: Jeff Schreve
Text: 1 John 2:15-17

If you have your Bible, please turn to First John chapter 2. I want to talk to you today about "Forbidden Love."

Now, May 10, 1985 was a very important date in my life, a very important date on the calendar, May 10, 1985, because on May 10, 1985, I had my very first date with Debbie Canon. I was so excited about it. Found out later she wasn't excited about it. She actually told me, "You know, I was thinking of standing you up." I said, "Really? That would have been horrible." And she said, "You know why?" I said, "Why?" She said, "Because you were so boring." I said, "Good night!" She said, "You never talked." And she said, "All I knew about you was from what I saw in the singles group at Champion Forest Baptist Church. You never talked. You asked me out on a date. I said yes because you were friends with Stan, and I was hoping I could get to know Stan." It's true. So, one date, May 10, 1985, Debbie doesn't break the date. We go out on a date. We had the best time. She came home and told her roommate, "I think I'm going to marry that guy." One date! It's all it took. One date with me and all the others were gone! Six months later, we got engaged, and then four months later we were married. We got marriedMarch 15, 1986. Write that down and buy us a gift. Anyway, March 15, 1986. And, and I still remember that night when we got married. Debbie's dad was the pastor, and so he married us. And in our wedding vows we vowed to leave all others and to be true and faithful to the marriage. And, you know, once you get married, then all others are out of the picture. All others are forbidden love. I told our guys Thursday morning when we meet for Strong Foundations class, developing strong and great husbands and dads, I said, "Listen! When you get married, choose your love; love your choice. And your wife is your Eve." And for ladies, your husband is y ...

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