Title: Family Tensions (2)
Series: More To The Manger
Author: Jeff Geyer
Text: Matthew 1:18-25
Big Idea:
When Joseph learned that Mary was pregnant, he could have walked away and avoided the scandal. Family tensions were high, and the road ahead seemed uncertain. Yet, Joseph chose a path of trust, keeping his family together despite the complications. God can use even the most challenging family dynamics to bring unity and redemption.
Holidays can bring stormy weather...and not necessarily a snow storm...but for relationships within the family. Just like we look for shelter during a thunderstorm, we are looking at figuring out how to wait out family tensions.
The Christmas where Jenny and I traveled back east from Dallas was a holiday with stormy weather. We did have some warning that stormy weather was coming as my mom called and said that things weren't good with my dad asking for a divorce right before the holidays. My dad and mom were separated after 25 years of marriage and it wasn't looking too good for us. Everything was just off because everyone was just off. This was a surprise to everyone and no one really knew what to say or do. As they drove us back to the airport, there was so much tension in the air that I felt like I was going to throw up. Jenny and I still think back about this trip to the airport. We were in the back seat as a very young married couple holding hands and silently praying that we would get through this stormy weather. In fact, this would be the last time my dad and I would talk for about a year.
Now that's pretty heavy and odds are that most of our holidays aren't that stormy. But go with me here as we think about family tensions.
Have you ever noticed how family gatherings seem to bring out the best... and the worst in us? You get everyone together, and what's meant to be a peaceful meal can feel more like a delicate balancing act. Suddenly, it's not just about slicing the h ...
Series: More To The Manger
Author: Jeff Geyer
Text: Matthew 1:18-25
Big Idea:
When Joseph learned that Mary was pregnant, he could have walked away and avoided the scandal. Family tensions were high, and the road ahead seemed uncertain. Yet, Joseph chose a path of trust, keeping his family together despite the complications. God can use even the most challenging family dynamics to bring unity and redemption.
Holidays can bring stormy weather...and not necessarily a snow storm...but for relationships within the family. Just like we look for shelter during a thunderstorm, we are looking at figuring out how to wait out family tensions.
The Christmas where Jenny and I traveled back east from Dallas was a holiday with stormy weather. We did have some warning that stormy weather was coming as my mom called and said that things weren't good with my dad asking for a divorce right before the holidays. My dad and mom were separated after 25 years of marriage and it wasn't looking too good for us. Everything was just off because everyone was just off. This was a surprise to everyone and no one really knew what to say or do. As they drove us back to the airport, there was so much tension in the air that I felt like I was going to throw up. Jenny and I still think back about this trip to the airport. We were in the back seat as a very young married couple holding hands and silently praying that we would get through this stormy weather. In fact, this would be the last time my dad and I would talk for about a year.
Now that's pretty heavy and odds are that most of our holidays aren't that stormy. But go with me here as we think about family tensions.
Have you ever noticed how family gatherings seem to bring out the best... and the worst in us? You get everyone together, and what's meant to be a peaceful meal can feel more like a delicate balancing act. Suddenly, it's not just about slicing the h ...
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