Title: Bells (3)
Series: Seeing Christmas Through The Eyes of God
Author: Jerry Watts
Text: Luke 2:1-20
One of my favorites Christmas songs say, "Come on Ring those Bells, Light the Christmas Tree, Jesus is the King, born for you and me. Come on ring those bells, everybody say, "Jesus we remember this your birthday."
For this month my goal has been and remains to help us see Christmas through the eyes of God. We started with the "Light" that God gave the world. Last week was the "Gift" God offered to each of us. Today - bells
To be transparent, the Bible does not speak of bells as we think of them. The only bells mentioned in scripture are those that adorned the robe of the priest and on the royal horses. The royal horses wore what we would call a blanket which had a 'bell' design on it with the words, "Holy to the Lord" during the Feast of the Tabernacle, which was one of the 3 biggest yearly festivals. The bells on the horses reminded people about the Lord.
For centuries now, ringing bells have been a central part of announcing Christmas. For me, while I have read most of the history and know that it was likely around the 4th century before human employed the bells for the Christian celebration of Christmas, I believe that God rung the first bell and that He continues to ring the Christmas bell today.
Our text is a favorite. We will read Luke 2:1-20 In this, I see and hear God ringing the bell. Read TEXT.
Bells are used for many things. They start things, end things, announce things, alert you, and more. When God sees Christmas, He rings the bell of salvation because the time for us, on earth, has come.
1. God rung the bell on the Hillside - On the hillside, He rung the bell like the start of a championship boxing match. The boxers are in their corners, the bell rings, and the match begins. By the time the bell rings, the match has been well publicized, and people know what's going on.
On the hillside, this night, God run the bell t ...
Series: Seeing Christmas Through The Eyes of God
Author: Jerry Watts
Text: Luke 2:1-20
One of my favorites Christmas songs say, "Come on Ring those Bells, Light the Christmas Tree, Jesus is the King, born for you and me. Come on ring those bells, everybody say, "Jesus we remember this your birthday."
For this month my goal has been and remains to help us see Christmas through the eyes of God. We started with the "Light" that God gave the world. Last week was the "Gift" God offered to each of us. Today - bells
To be transparent, the Bible does not speak of bells as we think of them. The only bells mentioned in scripture are those that adorned the robe of the priest and on the royal horses. The royal horses wore what we would call a blanket which had a 'bell' design on it with the words, "Holy to the Lord" during the Feast of the Tabernacle, which was one of the 3 biggest yearly festivals. The bells on the horses reminded people about the Lord.
For centuries now, ringing bells have been a central part of announcing Christmas. For me, while I have read most of the history and know that it was likely around the 4th century before human employed the bells for the Christian celebration of Christmas, I believe that God rung the first bell and that He continues to ring the Christmas bell today.
Our text is a favorite. We will read Luke 2:1-20 In this, I see and hear God ringing the bell. Read TEXT.
Bells are used for many things. They start things, end things, announce things, alert you, and more. When God sees Christmas, He rings the bell of salvation because the time for us, on earth, has come.
1. God rung the bell on the Hillside - On the hillside, He rung the bell like the start of a championship boxing match. The boxers are in their corners, the bell rings, and the match begins. By the time the bell rings, the match has been well publicized, and people know what's going on.
On the hillside, this night, God run the bell t ...
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