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by Dr. Darrow Perkins

Scripture: Revelation 5:11-14

The Lord Is Worthy
Darrow Perkins
Revelation 5:11-14

INTRODUCTION: It is said in life that nothing is free. There's a cost associated with everything we do and achieve. In order for us to complete school, there's a cost to pay called study and applying oneself. In order for us to get a job, we have to go through an interview process. On the surface, it would appear that there's no financial cost involved with this, but there is a price to pay. I can recall going through Marine Corps boot camp. When we got there, we were referred to as "recruits." Throughout the entire time we were there, we were called recruits. We even had to refer to ourselves as recruits because in their eyes, that's exactly what we were. During our time there, we were put through numerous tests and processes to demonstrate our ability to live up to their standards and prove we could be Marines. After three months of physical, mental, and moral testing, on the day of graduation, we were called "Marines" for the very first time! It was a day to be proud of, a day of accomplishment, and a day which proved our worthiness to be called "Marines." Jesus, our Lord and Savior, had to endure many physical, mental, and moral test, not for His sake, but for our sakes, and as a result of what He endured, He can now be referred to as "worthy" to receive our honor and praise. He handled it for us and for that, "The Lord is Worthy."

BACKGROUND: Our text is found in the Book of Revelation. In some Bibles, this book is referred to as "The Revelation of St. John the Divine. However, in the very first Scripture, it tells us exactly who this revelation is from..."The Revelation of Jesus Christ...". Some have said that this book is a scary book and some have even said that reading this book will drive you crazy. I beg to differ because in it we find a blessing just reading it and being exposed to what's contained in it. The devil is very quick to turn us around and keep us from our b ...

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