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by Dr. Darrow Perkins

Scripture: 1 John 5:3-5

There's Victory in the Valley
Darrow Perkins
1 John 5:3-5

INTRODUCTION: There are times in life when it seems like things have gotten so bad that we feel like we are no longer on the mountain top but have made it to the valley. Being on top has its advantages - you're able to see what's really going on around you; being on top give you the feeling of safety and security; being on top allows you to reflect on what you've come from. As a child of God, it's not about where you've come from, but rather, where God has brought you from. Like anything else in life, it would appear that you will not stay on top forever and you just may find yourself in the valley once again. Does anybody know what it's like to be in a valley situation? It's that place where it seems like everything is coming down on you - problems at home; problems on the job; problems with finding a job; just got news about a medical situation; looks like things are getting worst and not getting better. You look around and all you see is "doom and gloom" and it appears that it's falling apart all around you.

Right now, with what's going on globally, we're not sure what the outcome will be, or how long it will take. The economy is falling apart, job losses are at an all-time high, and it looks like we're going deeper and deeper into a valley situation. This type of thinking is exactly what the devil wants you to believe! Just because it doesn't look the best right now doesn't mean that's the end of the story. The reality is that today is the first day of the rest of your life and God does not intend for us to bow down and allow life to regulate what's going to happen to us. The valley, brothers and sisters, actually helps us with our vision and focus. Here's what I'm getting at...when you find yourself in a valley, you're as far down as you can go, so the only thing you can do at that time is "look up." There's a reason King David said in Psalm 127:1-2, "I will lift up mine eyes ...

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