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by Dr. Darrow Perkins

Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:18

In All Things... Give Thanks
Darrow Perkins
1 Thessalonians 5:18

INTRODUCTION: On a previous Lord's day, I made the statement that "Life is no joke." I think I'd like to add to that that "Life is not perfect" either! We tend to think that things are supposed to be just the way we want or anticipate them to be and sometimes our expectations of life can appear to be unfair from our perspective.

- We think that because it's my life it's got to be done my way;
- We think that because it's happening to me, it's got to be done my way;
- We think that because it's going to impact my life, it's got to be done my way!

What's real is that life will teach you some things; life will bring about change in your life; life will help you understand some things about yourself and others. Nobody ever said that life was going to be easy, but with the things that life shares with us, we have a reason responsibility to be thankful because it could be a whole lot worse.

I think one of the things that can help us be thankful is to understand who is behind the blessings of this life. Good things happens and we see the blessings; bad things happens and if we look hard enough, we can see the blessings in them as well. I've said before,

- You need some rain to have a rainbow;
- You need to be sick in order to be healed;
- You need to be broke in order to know the blessing of having money;
- You need to have a valley experience in order to appreciate the mountain top.

The bottom line is that we have much to be thankful for and it is Christian responsibility to let God know just how much we appreciate Him and all He's done for us. I believe we should all have the attitude of "In All Things Give Thanks."

BACKGROUND/TEXT: Here in our text, the apostle Paul is writing to the church at Thessalonica about some troubles and trials they were experiencing. The Preacher's Outline and Sermon Bible says that the purpose of this letter was "to encourage the chu ...

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