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by Steve Jones

Scripture: Philippians 1:21

PURPOSE (4 of 5)
Steve Jones
Scripture: Philippians 1:21

MESSAGE SUMMARY: To live is Christ means we have an:
1) Upward focus 2) Outward focus 3) Inward focus

INTRODUCTION: Yokoi Shoichi was a Japanese soldier who served as a sergeant in the imperial Japanese Army during WWII. He and his regiment arrived in Guam in February 1943. When American forces captured the island in 1944, Yokoi went into hiding. He survived by hunting, primarily at night. His diet included wild nuts, mangos, papaya, shrimp, snails, and frogs (EAT THAT FROG). He did not eat the CATS, the DOGS, or the PETS. He also used native plants to make clothes, bedding and storage implements, which he carefully hid in his cave. On the evening of January 24, 1972, Yokoi was discovered by two local men checking shrimp traps along a small river on the island. If you're doing the math - he was surviving on his own, hiding in the jungles of Guam, from 1944 to 1972 - 28 years. He did so by constantly telling himself, "I am living for the emperor." He had a sense of purpose. A sense of purpose is a big part of our preparation to survive the storms of life. We Christians HAVE a sense of purpose. We have the highest sense of purpose of any philosophy or belief system. Our sense of purpose can be summed up in four words: "To live is Christ."
So far in our "Prepper" sermon series we talked about the fact that life is stormy by nature. Jesus taught that it is WISE to be prepared for those storms. In the second message we noted that our "survival handbook" is the Bible. The Bible is our source of actionable intelligence. Last week we considered the Biblical perspective that "To die is gain." This phrase was the 2nd part of the Apostle Paul's statement in Philippians 1:21. Since "To die is gain," we don't HAVE to survive. We can be both faithful and courageous when faced with death here on earth. Today, I want to dwell on "To live is Christ" - the first part of Paul's decla ...

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