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by Steve Jones

Scripture: Matthew 7:1-29

Steve Jones
Scripture: Matthew 7

MESSAGE SUMMARY: Preppers secure good intelligence/information. We use the Bible as our "Survival Guidebook" because of 1) Authority, 2) Numinous, 3) Resonance.

INTRODUCTION: On September 11, 2001, American Airlines Flight 11 hit World Trade Center NORTH Tower at 8:46 am. In the World Trade Center SOUTH tower, many people who were used to following the rules died because they did what they were told by authority figures. An employee of the Aon Insurance Company on the ninety-third floor of the south tower had begun his escape but returned to his office after the security guards made a general announcement that the building was safe, and that people should stay inside until they were told to leave. Before he died, he spoke to his father on the phone: "Why did I listen to them - I shouldn't have." Another man, an employee of Fuji Bank, actually reached the ground-floor lobby, only to be sent back in by a security guard. A third worker called a family member and recorded a final message on the answering machine: "I can't go anywhere because they told us not to move. I must wait for the firefighters."
In contrast, The History Channel ran a show entitled, "The Man Who Predicted 911." Its focus was on one man by the name of Rick Rescorla. Long before September 11th, Rick Rescorla, the 62-year-old head of security at the Morgan Stanley Bank, developed an evacuation plan for the bank. The bank's offices were situated high up in the South Tower at the World Trade Center. The plan and its preparation were hugely UNPOPULAR with the Morgan Stanley staff, many of which thought Rescorla was crazy. Rick Rescorla IGNORED building officials' advice to stay put and began the orderly evacuation of Morgan Stanley's 2,800 employees on 20 floors of World Trade Center SOUTH Tower. Rescorla reminded everyone to "be proud to be an American", and sang God Bless America and other songs over his b ...

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