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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: Psalms 73:1-28

Does it Really Pay to Go God's Way? (5 of 6)
Series: Burning Questions
Jeff Schreve
Psalm 73

Well, if you have your Bible, please turn to Psalm 73. We're in a series called "Burning Questions." And today we want to ask the question, does it really pay to go God's way? That's a question that lots of people have had. And the psalmist, Asaph, who wrote eleven psalms, was a Levite, and he led in worship, he had that same question. And he was a guy who was very frustrated with what he perceived was the life of faith not being rewarded, and the life of faithlessness, the wicked, being rewarded. Why do bad things happen to good people, and why do good things happen to bad people? That's a question lots of people have asked over the centuries. When you think about it, as we go through the psalm, you're going to see he was pretty frustrated and frustrated with the LORD, and the psalm starts out with his frustration and him sharing his heart of frustration, and then it shifts gears as he begins to really think through his question.

But now, you know, when you start to wonder, and you start to get frustrated, and you see friends, you see people that you know at work, and they don't care anything about God, and they just do their own thing. And they seem to get promoted, and they seem to have all of the benefits, and they seem to have all the blessings. When Charles Lowery was a kid, his dad was a pastor, and he said Sunday morning they're going off to church. And he's looking out the window, and he sees some kids getting ready to play baseball, and he's thinking, man, I wish I could be in their family. I got to go to church. And so, he was thinking, even as a little kid, does it really pay to go God's way?

Well, here is what the Scripture says in Psalm 73 in The Message version, just to kind of set the stage. Psalm 73:11 through 14. This is what Asaph said in The Message. Now, The Message is a paraphrase, but this is how it's paraphrased: "What's going ...

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