Title: The Importance of the Lord's Supper
Author: Jim Perdue
Text: ?Luke 22:19-20?
The ordinance of the Lord's Supper was not some invention of the early apostles or of the early church. It didn't come by man's reasoning but by God's revelation. The Lord's supper was instituted in the gospels, practiced in Acts, and taught in the church epistles. It is not an ordinance that is optional for the church, but rather it is an obligation placed upon the church by the Savior Himself. God knows that believers forget important matters easily and so He designed this supper to help each believer remember and worship Him. READ TEXT
*From the steeple of Saint Mary's Church in Cracow, Poland a bugle has sounded every day over the last 700 years. The last note is always muted and broken, as if some disaster happened to the bugler as he was playing. This 700-year commemoration is in memory of a heroic bugler who one night sounded a blast on his trumpet to summon the people to defend their city against an invading army. As he was sounding the last blast on his trumpet, an arrow struck and killed him. Why do we have memorials and why are they important? We need to be reminded of the past because we so quickly forget. (1) We tend to focus on the present instead of the past. (2) We are busy living our everyday lives. (3) We naturally forget as time passes.* This is why the Lord's Supper is so vitally important to our spiritual lives.
1. Looking back - explanation: Luke 22:19
Jesus took an old symbol and filled it with new meaning. The meaning of Jesus' words and actions is rooted in His command to remember. Jesus told His disciples in Luke 22 to observe the Lord's Supper "in remembrance of Me." In other words, Jesus took an old ritual and gave it brand new meaning. As He took the bread and the cup, He told the disciples of a new significance that the elements now contained.
The bread was a picture of the broken body of Christ. And the cup was a picture of the ...
Author: Jim Perdue
Text: ?Luke 22:19-20?
The ordinance of the Lord's Supper was not some invention of the early apostles or of the early church. It didn't come by man's reasoning but by God's revelation. The Lord's supper was instituted in the gospels, practiced in Acts, and taught in the church epistles. It is not an ordinance that is optional for the church, but rather it is an obligation placed upon the church by the Savior Himself. God knows that believers forget important matters easily and so He designed this supper to help each believer remember and worship Him. READ TEXT
*From the steeple of Saint Mary's Church in Cracow, Poland a bugle has sounded every day over the last 700 years. The last note is always muted and broken, as if some disaster happened to the bugler as he was playing. This 700-year commemoration is in memory of a heroic bugler who one night sounded a blast on his trumpet to summon the people to defend their city against an invading army. As he was sounding the last blast on his trumpet, an arrow struck and killed him. Why do we have memorials and why are they important? We need to be reminded of the past because we so quickly forget. (1) We tend to focus on the present instead of the past. (2) We are busy living our everyday lives. (3) We naturally forget as time passes.* This is why the Lord's Supper is so vitally important to our spiritual lives.
1. Looking back - explanation: Luke 22:19
Jesus took an old symbol and filled it with new meaning. The meaning of Jesus' words and actions is rooted in His command to remember. Jesus told His disciples in Luke 22 to observe the Lord's Supper "in remembrance of Me." In other words, Jesus took an old ritual and gave it brand new meaning. As He took the bread and the cup, He told the disciples of a new significance that the elements now contained.
The bread was a picture of the broken body of Christ. And the cup was a picture of the ...
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