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by James Merritt

Scripture: John 14:1-6
This content is part of a series.

Title: Only One Way (7)
Series: I Doubt It
Author: James Merritt
Text: John 14:1-6


1. According to a recent survey you can walk down the average street in America and ask two questions. The first question would be, "Do you believe in heaven?" Seventy-three out of every one hundred people will tell you they do. Ask the second question, "How many believe you are going to heaven?" Six out of ten will tell you they are.

2. When you ask the question, "How does one get to heaven?" They fly in different directions faster than a covey of quail. Fifty percent of adults say, "A person who is generally good, or does enough good things for others, will earn a place in heaven." Sixty-three percent of adults believe having "faith" matters more than which faith you have." Are you ready for this? "Forty percent say that people who do not believe in God go to heaven."

3. Now with that as a backdrop, I want to call your attention to what I believe is by far and away the most controversial, politically incorrect, blood pressure raising, egregious statements that Jesus ever made. [Turn to John 14]

4. We are in a series we are calling "I Doubt It" and one of the greatest doubts that keep people from believing in Christianity, if not God, is that there is only one way to heaven and that way is Jesus. Let me give you to the backstory of this statement.

5. Jesus had just finished telling the disciples that he was going to die. Then, he was going to leave. These disciples had followed Jesus three years 24/7 and they are now confused and somewhat frightened when Jesus tells them where he is about to go they can't follow anymore. Jesus is getting them ready for his departure. He explains it this way,

"Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father's house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I ...

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