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by James Merritt

Scripture: Hebrews 4:14-16
This content is part of a series.

Title: He Gets Us (6)
Series: I Doubt It
Author: James Merritt
Text: Hebrews 4:14-16


1. In March of 2022, what was thought to be the biggest-ever Christian advertising campaign went coast-to-coast. It was an all-out effort with television commercials, online ads and billboards, basically targeting millennials and Gen Z with a message that was researched extensively, market tested, and focused on Jesus Christ. The tagline was three words: He Get Us. A hundred million dollars was spent telling people a truth that seemingly you can find for free in the Bible.

2. We are in a series we are calling "I Doubt It." We are dealing with the major doubts that both believers and unbelievers struggle with. On the one hand, believers still believe in spite of their doubts, but unbelievers refuse to believe because of their doubts. One of their doubts that so many people struggle with is the doubt that Jesus even knows how we feel. Many would say, "How could he know? He has never been through everything that I've been through. He has never walked in the shoes I've walked in. He has never been to the places I've been to."

3. Well, contrary to that thought he gets us. He really does get us. In the 4th chapter of a New Testament book called "Hebrews" we are told very simply, plainly, but dogmatically Jesus knows exactly how we feel. No matter what we are feeling or why we feel it he gets us.

4. You see it is one thing to feel sorry for someone. It is another thing to feel sorry with someone. It is somewhere between sympathy and empathy. Sympathy is when you feel "for" someone. Empathy is when you feel "with" someone. A great example in my own life is the day my dad died. I didn't know it at the time, but I became not only a totally different man, but I became a totally different and a better pastor. From that day until now when somebody loses a parent or both parents (as I have), I can now say comforting words anybody can hear at that moment ...

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