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by James Merritt

Scripture: Psalms 119:68
This content is part of a series.

Title: Good God Almighty (4)
Series: I Doubt It
Author: James Merritt
Text: Psalm 119:68


1. When I was just a small boy one of the first prayers my mom and dad ever taught me was one that many parents have taught their kids. It goes like this,

God is great, God is good;
Let us thank Him for our food.

It seems like a pretty harmless prayer. Seems like a prayer that most anybody wouldn't have a problem with and yet there are more than a few people that do for this reason, because they don't buy into those three words, "God is good."

2. We, Christians, like to say something like this, "God is good all the time. All the time God is good." For more than a few people, that is the one belief that is a barrier to them becoming Christians. They say, "Stop the bus of Christianity. Here is where I get off."

3. Let's be honest. There are three teachings in the Bible that don't seem to fit together all that well. In fact, they are found in that prayer. The main teaching of the Bible is that God is great. He is all powerful. He can do anything that doesn't contradict his character. The second teaching in the Bible is that God is good which means he hates evil, he hates anything that has to do with evil and he loves goodness.

4. But, there is a third teaching that is out there and that is evil is real. Bad things happen to good people and that is a problem, obviously because he is God he knows about evil things. If he is really good and really great then he would do something about it. What many people do with this problem is one of three things. On the one hand, they just deny God altogether. In fact, the idea that a good God would allow evil is considered to be the number one issue that causes people to doubt the very existence of God.

5. The second way people deal with it is they don't want to take the step of denying the existence of God so they just deny the goodness of God. They just shrug their shoulders an ...

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