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by James Merritt

Scripture: Jeremiah 37:17, John 17:17
This content is part of a series.

Title: Taking God at His Word (2)
Series: I Doubt It
Author: James Merritt
Text: Jeremiah 37:17, John 17:17


1. The evangelistic organization known as CRU asked college students all over the country what were the top questions they would ask about God? As you can imagine the first question was, "How do you know there is a God?" In other words, "Does God exist?" The second question was "How can there be a good God when there is so much evil and suffering in the world?" The third, "How can the belief in God be reconciled with science especially evolution?"

2. I want to stop right there because with all respect I do not believe any one of those are the single most important question to ask about God. I will tell you what I believe is the most important question and I will tell you why and I think you may agree it is the most important question, "If there is a God has that God spoken to us?"

3. Almost three thousand years ago a king named Zedekiah was facing a tremendous crisis. The nation of Judah was about to be taken captive by the Babylonians and things looked very dire. He really didn't know what to do. He knew the Prophet Jeremiah and he called him to the palace and he asked him this question,

"Is there any word from the Lord?"
(Jeremiah 37:17, NIV)

4. That really is the question, because it is totally irrelevant to you and to me if there is a god, if that god has not spoken, if that god has not revealed himself, because the most important questions about god are: What is his name? What is he like? Does he know us? Does he care about us? Does he have a plan for our lives? Can we have a relationship with him? There is no way we can ever know any of the answers to any of those questions unless he has spoken. Well, Christians believe that he has. We believe that he has spoken in a book called the Bible.

5. Here is an interesting fact. The word "Bible" was never used in the Bible. The Bible never calls itself ...

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