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by James Merritt

Scripture: John 20:19-29
This content is part of a series.

Title: The Benefit of the Doubt (1)
Series: I Doubt It
Author: James Merritt
Text: John 20:19-29


1. I am going to begin this message in the strangest way that I've ever introduced any message by confessing something about me that you probably might not know or think if I didn't tell you.

I believe God exists, but I have also doubted it.

The Bible is the Word of God, but I have sometimes doubted it.

I believe that God hears prayer, but there are times I really doubted it.

I believe the story of Jesus is true, but I sometimes wondered if it really is.

I believe God is good all the time, but there have been times I've wondered is God really good.

I believe in a place called "heaven," but I have also sometimes doubted that maybe there is.

I believe there is life after death, but I sometimes doubt it.

2. Now if that shocks you it really shouldn't for this simple reason. As long as you have faith you will have doubts. Otherwise, you cannot have faith. Here is my sermon today in a sentence- without doubt, faith is out! Did you know there is an entire book in the New Testament, 1 John, that was written to deal with doubt? Let me prove this to you.

3. I am holding in my hand right now a $100 bill. Now is there anyone that would be willing to raise your hand and say you believe me? [Show $100 bill]. I thank you for your faith, but I'm about to destroy it right now (Open hand and show $100 bill).The reason I just destroyed your faith is because you now know I hold the $100 bill. You don't need faith anymore. There is no need for faith if there is not room for doubt.

4. I am going to begin a series today that we are calling "I Doubt It." This series is both for believers and unbelievers. It is for those of us who believe, but we also say as the man did in the Bible, "Lord, help my unbelief!" It is also for those who don't believe because of their doubts. I believe the church sometimes discourages people from expr ...

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