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by Ernest Easley

Scripture: Matthew 5:21-22, Deuteronomy 5:17, Deuteronomy 24:1
This content is part of a series.

Title: The Anger Connection (3)
Series: The Deuteronomy Connection
Author: Ernest Easley
Text: Matthew 5:21-22a; Deuteronomy 5:17, 24:1

As we continue our series of messages under the heading THE DEUTERONOMY CONNECTION, take God's word and turn with me to Matthew 5. In the last couple of weeks, we've discovered as Jesus prepared messages to deliver, he often found himself quoting from the book of Deuteronomy.

You ask, "Ernest, why Deuteronomy? Why not from some other Old Testament book like Psalms or one of the Prophets?" Well, Jesus did quote from the Psalms and Prophets, but his "go to" book was Deuteronomy; one of the books of the Torah.

You may remember what the constitution is to the United States of America, Deuteronomy was to the children of Israel. God gave it to them just prior to entering the promised land. It records their governing documents to follow once they entered the land. No wonder Jesus made a Deuteronomy connection! He had learned it as a child. He knew the scriptures. They brought him comfort and conviction. He not only learned the scriptures, but he also lived the scriptures and therefore he could declare the scriptures.

I wonder how well you're learning and living and declaring the scriptures? It's hard to declare what you haven't learned. It's also hard to declare what you're not living. I'm just saying it's hard to declare that Jesus changes lives when those around us can't see a changed life. It's like the game we use to play called "show and tell." We need to get back to learning God's word so that we live God's word so we can declare God's word. There's no greater evidence for the gospel than a changed life.

Now with our bibles opened to Matthew 5, we find ourselves near the beginning of Jesus' sermon referred to as "The Sermon on the Mount." You will find his entire sermon in Matthew 5-7. In chapter 5 starting in verse 17, he explains how he came to fulfill the law. We read in verse 17, "Don't think that ...

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