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by Ernest Easley

Scripture: Matthew 4:1-11
This content is part of a series.

Title: The Temptation Connection (2)
Series: The Deuteronomy Connection
Author: Ernest Easley
Text: Matthew 4.1-11

Turn with me to Matthew 4 as we continue our series of messages under the heading:

The Deuteronomy Connection.

It may sound rather strange to title a message from Matthew 4 "The Deuteronomy Connection," but it wouldn't have sound strange to Jesus. As we saw last time together, Jesus often made a Deuteronomy connection when facing various challenges and confrontations, trials and temptations.

It wasn't unusual for Jesus to draw from the book of Deuteronomy to teach truth. We find him making Deuteronomy connections again and again. In fact, he quotes from the book of Deuteronomy more times than any other book in the Old Testament.

When I came to learn that I ask myself, "Self, you better learn something about the book of Deuteronomy! If it was Jesus' "go to" book, if it was that important to him, it ought to be important to you!"

So, what made the book of Deuteronomy Jesus "go to" book? Here's what I discovered: every Jewish child would have learned the book of Deuteronomy for the same reason every American child should learn the United States Constitution. Both Deuteronomy and the US Constitution are governing documents.

The difference between the two is that the US Constitution was originated by man after they arrived on our shores whereas the Constitution for the children of Israel (Deuteronomy) originated with God and given to Moses before they entered the Promised Land.

God knew that once the children of Israel crossed the Jordan River into the Promised Land, they would need governing to survive. So, he instructed Moses to write it all down before he died and before Joshua led them into the long a-waited Promised Land.

The book of Deuteronomy was Jesus' "go to" book just like the US Constitution is our "go to" document for governing ourselves. That's why when he was teaching divine truth, he would go back to t ...

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