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by Stephen Whitney

Scripture: Ephesians 5:25-27
This content is part of a series.

Title: God's Purpose (5)
Series: Ephesians 5
Author: Stephen Whitney
Text: Ephesians 5:25-27

On December 4, 2006, Private First-Class Ross McGinnis was manning a 50-caliber machine gun in the turret of a Humvee. As they were driving through a neighborhood in Baghdad he saw an insurgent on a rooftop fling a hand grenade at his vehicle. He shouted and tried to deflect it, but it fell inside the vehicle.

Sergeant First Class Cedric Thomas, the platoon sergeant, heard Ross' warning and shouted back: "Where?" The grenade is in the truck," McGinnis yelled. Then knowing that four of his buddies were inside and would be killed when the grenade went off, the 19-year-old from rural Pennsylvania and the youngest soldier in his unit, ducked down out of the turret and threw himself backward pinning the grenade between his body and the radio mount just before it went off killing him instantly.

His platoon sergeant said, "He had time to jump out of the truck. He chose not to." Military officials said McGinnis's action saved the other soldiers from "certain serious injury or death." For his self-sacrifice Ross McGinnis was awarded the highest award given to a soldier; the Medal of Honor.

Soldiers are willing to sacrifice their life for their buddies because of the close bonds they have made with one another by being in the same unit and going through the same hardships and experiences.

There is no higher sacrifice than as Jesus said in John 15:13

Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.

Henry - "The highest proof of our love for another is laying down one's life for a friend, to save his life."

Jesus was really speaking about his own death. He was going to give up his life so that anyone who believed in his sacrifice for their sins would be able to have eternal life.


Love her

Paul now addresses husbands who are to love their wives.

Love - Gk. a ...

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