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by Jerry Watts

Scripture: Colossians 1:15-20

Title: Jesus-The Real One (1)
Series: The One and Only
Author:Jerry Watts
Text: Col 1:15-20

Turn to Colossians 1. For the next three weeks, our focus will be on Jesus. Why? Because we live in a culture that seems to esteem everything in life above Jesus. Recently, in a message by Dr. Jerry Vines, he commented on a book entitled, "One Jesus, Many Christs" and commiserated that the title of the book pretty well reflect the religious atmosphere in America. He goes on to say that "People are say that Jesus Christ is one of many, nothing out of the ordinary, and just ONE JESUS, but there are many Christs." I'll add that others say, "he a good man, perhaps a prophet, but certainly not the 'Son of God' and certainly not the only way to God, heaven, and eternal life" but I'll offer what C. S. Lewis said, "Jesus didn't leave us that option. By His own words, Jesus is either a liar, a lunatic, or Lord." I believe the latter.

As we begin, please consider this, "It is not the men who have the fortitude to write books like One Jesus, Many Christs or even live according to its doctrine who are the greatest danger, it is the person who says he/she believe Jesus is the Son of God, the Messiah, the Savior, and then lives as if He is not. That is a culture killer. There's bad news-good news.

The bad news is that we have a problem with sin, before God, and for eternity. The good news is (in the words of Shane Pruitt) we have an answer,the answer has a name, and that name is Jesus. According to Jesus, to the Bible, and to God Himself, Jesus is the REAL ONE, THE ONE and ONLY, God's Son, Messiah, Redeemer and the Savior of the world which means, "Your Savior.". Our reminder is He is the REAL ONE. Let's read our text.

These verses may be an early Christian hymn or a fundamental confession of the early church about theSon. It represents an exalted view of Christ as present at creation, the One who possesses authority over all creation as well as the church. This gives u ...

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