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by Jeff Ecklund

Scripture: Ephesians 2:22

Title: This House is Home
Author: Jeff Ecklund
Text: Ephesians 2:22

Every few years we want to revisit a series on core values for our House.

Core values are important...

They bring clarity to who you an individual, organization and certainly a church (which is made up of individuals that are organized together in community)

Core values guide the decisions you make.

Core values are like figuring out what's under the hood of car! Pic here? Men under the hood?

Car may look good on the outside...I talked a few years back about having a mustang in high eyes just go there...but it can't have a 6 banger under the hood!
I remember having a 65 with a 289...was pretty good motor but had some 302 heads on it...still needed some headers...good set of headers let that exhaust breath and sounded bigger under the hood than what it was!

I put a lot of effort into that car because having a fast car was a core value! And if it couldn't be least let it be loud!

Opposite of my mom who had a Ford Pinto. We both had Fords...just different core values for what was under the hood!

It's hard to have a heart for something unless you know what the heart is IN something....

And our hope is that you would also have a heart for this house!

May look good on the outside until you find out what's on the inside! So this series is about what is in the heart of our church.
Too many people make decisions about marriage for example without considering the core values under the hood!

Become enamored with the outside, and don't take time to figure out the core values...

Core values have to do with shared beliefs

They build trust

Shape your actions

Create culture

Provide an anchor in uncertainty Leave lasting legacy

For example if your parents had a core value of working hard...That most likely influenced you..

I grew up with mostly a single mom...who at times held down two or three jobs to make ends meet. I gr ...

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