Title: Humility in Christ
Author: Brian Fletcher
Text: Philippians 2:1-11
Introductory Thoughts
This passage contains an enormous amount of material that can be preached on. Therefore you will need to narrow it down to a particular theme that comes from this passage. The editorial heading in the ESV says, "Christ's Example of Humility" for this passage. While this does express the overall message of 2:1-11 we also know that Christ is more than just an example for us. Christ is the gospel living in and through us. If we only use Christ as our example without having Christ as the power that moves us to live like him and follow him then the passage just becomes moralism. Don't preach moralism.
This letter was written by the apostle Paul while he was in prison. The theme of the book is joy in the midst of any circumstance, even suffering. The church will be God's primary vehicle to make disciples of all nations and to build His Kingdom.
"If there was ever a clarion call to rejoice because of the gospel, it is Paul's epistle to the Philippians. Writing from his jail cell in Rome (1:12-16), Paul calls the Philippian readers to turn their gaze back to the power and joy of the gospel - and particularly their deep fellowship in it - and away from outward circumstances."
The word "so" is an important connecting word that harkens back to 1:27, "Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ." Even in the midst of suffering.
- We get encouraged and comforted by the love of Christ and His Spirit that lives within us.
- Christ's love for us breeds affection and sympathy for others.
- Because we are united in Christ's love to one another, we should be in full accord with one another (believers), having the same mind.
- This unity compels us to not be selfish or conceited. We are to actually think of others more importantly than we think of ourselves, and to look out for the interests of others before our own ...
Author: Brian Fletcher
Text: Philippians 2:1-11
Introductory Thoughts
This passage contains an enormous amount of material that can be preached on. Therefore you will need to narrow it down to a particular theme that comes from this passage. The editorial heading in the ESV says, "Christ's Example of Humility" for this passage. While this does express the overall message of 2:1-11 we also know that Christ is more than just an example for us. Christ is the gospel living in and through us. If we only use Christ as our example without having Christ as the power that moves us to live like him and follow him then the passage just becomes moralism. Don't preach moralism.
This letter was written by the apostle Paul while he was in prison. The theme of the book is joy in the midst of any circumstance, even suffering. The church will be God's primary vehicle to make disciples of all nations and to build His Kingdom.
"If there was ever a clarion call to rejoice because of the gospel, it is Paul's epistle to the Philippians. Writing from his jail cell in Rome (1:12-16), Paul calls the Philippian readers to turn their gaze back to the power and joy of the gospel - and particularly their deep fellowship in it - and away from outward circumstances."
The word "so" is an important connecting word that harkens back to 1:27, "Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ." Even in the midst of suffering.
- We get encouraged and comforted by the love of Christ and His Spirit that lives within us.
- Christ's love for us breeds affection and sympathy for others.
- Because we are united in Christ's love to one another, we should be in full accord with one another (believers), having the same mind.
- This unity compels us to not be selfish or conceited. We are to actually think of others more importantly than we think of ourselves, and to look out for the interests of others before our own ...
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