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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: 2 Peter 2:1-22
This content is part of a series.

Title: Condemning Counterfeits (2 of 3)
Series: Growing in the Knowledge of Him
Author: Donald Cantrell
Text: 2 Peter 2:1-22

I - The Deadly Danger & Closeness of False Teachers (1 - 3)

II - The Damnable Demise & Condemnation of False Teachers (4 - 9)

III - The Detailed Depravity & Character of False Teachers (10 - 17)

IV - The Deceptive Dealings & Claims of False Teachers (18 - 22)

This sermon contains a fully alliterated outline, with subpoints.

Wolves In Sheep Clothing

Do you guys remember the cartoon with Wiley Coyote and Ralph the sheep dog. I use to love that cartoon. Every morning Ralph and Wiley would meet at the time clock which was mounted on a tree. As they clocked in they would great each other and then they would go to their respective departments.

Ralph the sheep dog went to his post on the cliff and took his position as head of the sheep protection department. Wiley, true to his nature, would slink away in to the forest to plan his strategy as head of the sheep acquisition and consumption department.

As the day wore on Ralph sat patiently at his post with a protective eye looking over the flock as Wiley tried one scheme after another in hopes of making his quota of sheep for the day. However, no matter how hard he tried it seemed that poor Wiley's plan was always thwarted by Ralph at the last moment. Inevitably as the day drew to a close just before the whistle blew, Wiley would pull out all the stops and slip into his sheep costume and meander into the fold with the hope of finally catching his prey only to realize after his pray was in fact none other than Ralph the sheep dog who had dressed himself up as a sheep in anticipation of Wiley's scheme. Poor Wiley never caught a break.

Wiley's sheep costume illustrates a tactic that is used by our enemy the devil.

In fact, in Matthew 7.15 Jesus warns us that in similar fashion Satan will send ravenous wolves into the fold dressed in sheep's clothing to catc ...

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