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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: 2 Peter 1:1-21
This content is part of a series.

Title: Growing By Knowing (1 of 3)
Series: Growing in the Knowledge of Him
Author: Donald Cantrell
Text: 2 Peter 1:1-21

I - The Vital Proclamation "Received" (1 - 4)

II - The Valuable Multiplication "Registered" (5 - 11)

III - The Virtual Revelation "Reported" (12 - 15)

IV - The Visible Transfiguration "Remembered" (16 - 18)

V - The Verbal Inspiration "Respected" (19 - 21)

This sermon contains a fully alliterated outline, with subpoints.

Growing by Knowing

Spiritual growth is a never-ending process and an important dynamic for all believers. It is absolutely crucial for many reasons:

First, it tones our spiritual muscles for the stresses we find in the world. The person without a deep well of spiritual resources is apt to cave in to our culture's pressures. The Christian with a firm and growing faith will still have problems, but will also have the inner strength to handle them.

Second, spiritual growth puts a wall around us to protect us from sin, so that we can fend off the attacks of Satan. As we grow in knowledge of God's Word, we can repel those fiery darts hurled at us.

Third, spiritual growth will help us model Christ to others. People today are searching for examples of godliness and our lives can become shining reflections of what God can do as He continually transforms us.

I read about a woman who grew backward. She lived in Virginia some years ago. The Virginia Medical Monthly carried her story: She had grown normally and had three children. Life was great until her husband died when the children were in high school. The mother doubles her devotion to the children.

But at that point, something happened within her. She snapped. Whether it was the result of trauma or stress, we do not know. She changed her clothes to those of a twenty-year-old and joined in her children's parties and fun.
In a few years the children noticed that as they grew older their mother was growing younger. Psychiatrist call ...

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