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by James Merritt

Scripture: Philippians 1:9-11

Title: Growing Up In Your Going Up (2)
Series: Prison Prayers
Author: James Merritt
Text: Philippians 1:9-11


1. Eventually every child gets asked this question so many times you can't even count them. He gets asked by his parents, grandparents, friends, teachers and even strangers and the question is, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" That comes with an assumption that you will grow up and that you will mature.

2. In fact, maturing is vitally important to practically every aspect of your life. It is why we measure maturity in so many ways. We measure physical maturity. Here, we measure how much taller have we grown, how much weight have we gained, and whether we have reached the end of our growth stage.

3. We measure intellectual maturity. It is why we take entrance exams, final exams and IQ tests because many jobs and vocations require a certain level of intellectual maturity to be successful.

4. We measure emotional maturity. Have you ever heard the term "emotional intelligence?" EQ is the know-how to manage yourself in relationships, your career, and your life in the proper fashion. It is known as emotional intelligence and it measures what skills and characteristics you have that can determine your leadership ability.

5. Every parent obviously looks forward to their children maturing physically, intellectually, and emotionally. God is no different. When you come into the family of God you come in just as you do into the world physically as a baby, but God doesn't want us to stay a baby. He doesn't us just to go to heaven when we die; he wants us to grow up on earth while we live. I don't mean physically, intellectually or emotionally. I mean spiritually. One of if not the greatest single indicator of the level of spiritual maturity in the life of a believer is your prayer life. Would the content, the level, and the direction of your prayers be more like that of a baby, toddler, a child or a ...

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