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by Jerry Watts

Scripture: Matthew 9:36-38
This content is part of a series.

Title: Sending Like Jesus (9)
Series: The Road Less Traveled
Author: Jerry Watts
Text: Matthew 9:36-38

Please turn to Matthew 9. Today we conclude our series of "The Road Less Traveled" with a message entitled, "Sending Like Jesus."

On July 25, 2002, Dr. Rick Ferguson, Pastor of Riverside Baptist Church in Denver Colorado, was killed in a car accident. At the time of his death, he was arguably, one of the most gifted preachers in our convention. He had pastored Riverside for over a decade and led them to phenomenal success in the gospel ministry. At his death, the Baptist Press reported that Riverside has planted more than 30 new, innovative churches, sent thousands on missions and raise up countless new leaders." That article went on to say that Rick Ferguson had a life 'well-lived' and his impact for the kingdom would go on and on.

Reading this gave me pause to ask, "What might be written about me if that were me?" And it will be one day. Here's a sobering question; "What would they say about you?" It's eye-opening. More importantly, what would the Lord say?

Thinking about his impact, this past week, in preparation for today, I read one of his messages entitled, "DISCIPLESHIP: Moving from Consumers to Contributors." How He opened that message struck a spiritual chord in me, so I want to share it with you: Would you agree that we live in an age of great CONSUMERISM? If you have ever traveled outside of the United States you know that the rest of the world sees America as primarily a great CONSUMER nation. The fact is, Americans are not generally loved in the rest of the world because we are seen as fat, greedy, pampered, and selfish CONSUMERS. My generation and younger especially are total consumers. We live, think and act with a total consumer mind-set. My generation moved off the family farm where we were PRODUCERS and migrated to the suburbs where we became total CONSUMERS. The shift in American life from a primarily agrarian culture to a primar ...

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