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by Brian Mills

Scripture: Exodus 20:17

Title: Final Commandment (7)
Series: 10 Commandments
Author: Brian Mills
Text: Exodus 20:17

I Honestly have loved this series... Been very challenging....

Remember the 10 commandments are the Anchors God put into place to keep us from being tossed by the winds of the culture

Good parents give boundaries and guardrails to keep their kids on the path. They don't just let them wander and do whatever they want

The 1st 4 were all vertical.

No Other Gods
?No Idols
?Don't take God's name in vain
?Remember the Sabbath

The last 6 or all Horizontal

Honor your father and your mother.
You shall not murder.
You shall not commit adultery.
You shall not steal.
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
You shall not covet your neighbor's house;

(HAVE 4 DOMINO'S ON THE TABLE) Have you ever set up Domino's and then knock them down.
Someone does it while you are setting them up

The 10th word is the 1st Domino

Ex 20:17 17 [NIV] "You shall not covet your neighbor's house. I wish I had a house like that... You shall not covet your neighbor's wife,

I wish my wife acted like her, looked like her, etc....

This Hebrew word is always in the feminine sense so literally is a focused word for men.

Can I give you some cultural context...

Ancient Israel was a patriarchal society, where men held primary authority in the family and community.

women were often considered part of a man's household and property.

The commandment against coveting a neighbor's wife was framed similarly to commands against coveting property, such as a house or livestock

The commandments and many other laws in the Torah were directed at men, who were seen as the primary agents of action and responsibility within the community.

Now Modern interpretations of the commandment often generalize its principle to include not coveting anyone's spouse, regardless of gender.
The underlying moral teaching is to respect the i ...

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