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by Jerry Watts

Scripture: Matthew 16:24-26
This content is part of a series.

Title: Leading Like Jesus (7)
Series: The Road Less Traveled
Author: Jerry Watts
Text: Matthew 16:24-26

(TEXT and SERIES CALL) Last week, Bro. Lars did a great job of pointing us to the 'results of being a disciple of Christ. He pointed us toward the 'fruit' we bear. The type of fruit we bear reveals what kind of tree we are, in other words, the fruit of our lives reveals our heart. It reveals to whom or to what we are committed and whose disciple we are. In other words, "FRUIT DOESN'T LIE." (Example: tomato & pepper)

If we are Disciples (followers, learners) of Jesus, following the ROAD LESS TRAVELED, several things must be true.

1) We must identify with Him because He is the one who have forgiven us our sin and has given us life.

2) We must become intimate with Him so that we recognize His voice, think like Him, and do like He does.

3) We must be instructed in His way, so that the fruit of our lives can point other people to Him.

4) We must be people who point others to Him to IMPACT their lives and this culture.
This is the starting point for anyone and everyone. If you remember our ROAD LESS TRAVELED, that is so seldom used because people have missed the Christ's calls; for salvation (follow me), sanctification (I will make you), and service (fishers of men).

As an aside, this is becoming more real to me that older I get. How I wish that I had captured this truth at a younger age so I could have made a greater impact.

When we read the scripture, the road we are called to travel carries us by these four intersections and lead us to the place we can make an impact for Him.

This happens when we "See" like He sees, "Give" like He gives, "Lead" like He leads, "Invest" like He invests, and then, "Send and Go" like He does. The result will be the good fruit that we heard about last week. Our challenge today is to lead like he leads.

Matthew 16 is a case study for us to see the full picture of our Lord. It being with the Confront ...

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