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by Joey Rodgers

Scripture: Ezekiel 48:35
This content is part of a series.

Title: Jehovah Shammah (8)
Series: God Has a Name
Author: Joey Rodgers
Text: Ezekiel 48:35

You've likely heard about (2) precocious little boys who were called into the pastor's office one day after church b/c mom/dad were at their wit's end and didn't know where else to turn for help, so they took their boys to the pastor hoping he could lead them to Jesus. Well... oblivious to why they were there, the pastor asked them (1) question w/ the hope of being able to share Jesus w/ them - He asked, "Boys... can you tell me where Jesus is?" Well..., the boys looked at each other, then at the pastor, and shrugged their shoulders. After a pregnant pause, the pastor asked again - "Boys... where's Jesus?" At this point, the boys were getting scared. Finally, raising his voice, the pastor asked, "Boys... WHERE IS JESUS! Panicked, the boys ran out the door, down the street, into their house to hide their closest. Of course, mom/dad went home, found their boys panicked and crying. Concerned, they asked, "Boys... what's wrong?" Little Billy said, "The pastor has lost Jesus at church, and he's blaming us!"

Have you ever been blamed for something you had nothing to do w/? I think God gets blamed for things all the time that He's had nothing to do w/ too.

This summer, we've been looking at the names of God to help us to know who He is and how He operates - so that we have no misconceptions about Him but think rightly of Him.

There's little more frustrating than someone having a wrong impression of you. You get a bad rap b/c someone caught you at the wrong time on the wrong day and now you're saddled w/ a label that's not true.

God gets a bad rap all of the time (the devil makes certain). He gets blamed for things He had nothing to do w/leaving people w/ a wrong idea of who He is.

When pastoring in NY, Harry Fosdick often counseled students from Columbia Un. One evening, a student told him that he could no longer believe in God. Dr. Fosdick asked the s ...

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