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by Joey Rodgers

Scripture: Genesis 17:1-27
This content is part of a series.

Title: El Shaddai (4)
Series: God Has a Name
Author: Joey Rodgers
Text: Genesis 17

Have you ever run into someone from your past who knew your name but for the life of you - you couldn't remember their name? This happened to me this week. I ran into a guy I hadn't seen in years, and immediately my brain was frantically running thru my mental rolodex trying to remember his name - to no avail.

As I've thought about these incidences and this series, I thought about how at times we don't recognize when God shows up in our lives b/c we don't know His name. But if we learn His name(s), then we can recognize Him b/c His names reveal His true identity to us.

If you're just joining us, we're studying God's name to learn about who He is and wants to be in our lives.

Names are important! They identify who we are and speak to our nature/character. And like you - husband, wife, son, daughter, friend, boss, employee - God has many names to personify who He is and wants to be in our lives to reveal to us who God is.

God gave us His name to help us to KNOW Him and TRUST Him. He gave us His name to REVEAL to us His person/character to RELATE to us so that we might know/walk w/ Him.

So far, we've been introduced to Elohim, Adonai, and El Elyon - today I want us to talk about - El Shaddai.

The name El Shaddai is familiar to most Christians b/c it was made popular by the song that we just heard - but what does it mean and how is relevant to us? The name El Shaddai is found 48x in the O.T. showing up for the 1st time in Genesis 17 w/ Father Abe, yet the most predominant use of the name is found in Job.

El - (God) - almighty/powerful and shad - (breast) - referring to the nurturing relationship a mother has w/ her infant child whom she nourishes/satisfies.

While often translated as God Almighty - El Shaddai means the God who is all-sufficient to satisfy.

This raises an obvious question - what will it take for you to be truly satisfied? Who wil ...

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