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by Joey Rodgers

Scripture: Genesis 14:1-24
This content is part of a series.

Title: El Elyon (3)
Series: God Has a Name
Author: Joey Rodgers
Text: Gen. 14??

Who here remembers George Foreman? GF was famous for (3) things. 1st, he was famous for winning the boxing world heavyweight champion 2 times (the 2nd time at 45). He's also famous for revolutionizing the culinary world w/ the GF electric grill. And he's famous for naming all of his sons - George Foreman.

YES - Foreman named all of his - George Foreman. GF Jr, GF 3rd, GF 4th, GF 5th, and GF 6th. When asked why he named his sons GF - he explained that it was (1) to honor his name and continue his legacy; (2) to ensure that he would treat all of his sons equally; and (3) to instill in them a sense of responsibility b/c they each bore his name/reputation.

Names - they're important! A person's name identifies who they are and often speaks to their nature/character. And God has many names. In all, there are some 967 different names for God mentioned in the Bible to help us to know who He is and how we can know Him better and trust Him more.

God gave us His name to help us to KNOW Him and TRUST Him. He gave us His name to REVEAL to us His person/character to RELATE to us so that we might know/walk w/ Him.

When it comes to God's name - the Bible has much to say about how we are to treat His name/person.

I will give thanks to the Lord b/c of His righteousness; I will sing praises to the name of (El Elyon) the Lord Most High. Psalm 7:17

Some trust in chariots and some in horses; but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. Psalm 20:7

For you, Lord, are the Most High over all the earth; You are exalted for above all gods. Psalm 97:9

So far in our study, we've looked at the names Adonai and Elohim. Today, I want to turn our attention to the name El Elyon - God Most Highor God is the highest. El Elyon is used over 238x in the O.T. testifying to the supremacy of God - that is, that He is above all other gods and has absolute power/dominion over every created ...

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