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by Joey Rodgers

Scripture: Genesis 15:1-9
This content is part of a series.

Title: Adonai?? (1)
Series: God Has a Name
Author: Joey Rodgers
Text: Genesis 15:1-9???

Do you remember the struggle to name your children? Meg/I spent hours considering names for our kids. We looked thru countless books, websites, and family trees. We asked questions like - do we want to use a family name, a Biblical name, or a name w/ meaning?

Why all the hassle? B/c a person's name is important.

Johnny Cash "cashed" in on this idea in the song "A Boy Named Sue." In the song an absentee father named his son "Sue" so he'd learn to defend himself.?

Names are important b/c they identify who we are - they help shape our personality/identity - and help to foster our character and connection w/ others.

In some contexts, I'm Pastor Joey or Dr. Rodgers. My wife calls me honey, while my children call me dad. Of course, whenever my mom called me by my full name when I was a kid - Joseph Italo Rodgers, I knew my name was 'mud'. When I was ordained, my sister asked if she was to call me reverend - and I told her that she could call me the most, high right reverend humble servant of God, or Joey (she chose O brother).

When it comes to God's name, His name is more than a title, it's a statement of His personhood/character - a revelation of His being.

Thru-out Scripture, God used many names to reveal Himself to us so that we might know and trust Him.

This AM, I want us to embark on a study of God's name to discover who He is and who He promises to be in our lives. I want us to gain an understanding of the very nature/character of God. But before we jump into His name, let's first discuss why study His name.

We're COMMANDED to Honor His Name

You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. Exodus 20:7

In the 10 Commandments, the 3rd command calls us to honor His name. This is more than not using His name in a cussing tirade - it means to revere/honor His name by giving Him the respect due Him b/c you know Him.

We ...

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