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by Steve Jones

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:1-31

Title: Olympics - Team Jesus - Coach (1 of 4)
Series: Team Jesus
Author: Steve Jones
Text: I Corinthians 12

SERMON SUMMARY: Great churches need great teamwork. Teamwork doesn't just happen, it is created. There are four elements of teamwork found in I Corinthians 12. The one we'll look at today is: An Inspiring Coach - Jesus.

INTRODUCTION: In 1936, Al Ulbrickson was head coach at the University of Washington crew program. He pushed his nine rowers to achieve more than they thought possible. He insisted that they eat well, abstain from alcohol, and maintain a high grade-point average. This partly explains why none of the nine boys in the boat "burned out" after winning gold in the 1936 Olympics. They all went on to have relatively happy, successful, and well-rounded lives. Hollywood made a movie about that coach and his team last year (2023). The title of the movie was also the title of the book it was named after. What was that title? THE BOYS IN THE BOAT. You must have great team work to win gold at the sport of crew. To have great teamwork, you must have a great coach.

?In I Corinthians chapter 12 Paul communicates the concept of teamwork. He doesn't use the word "teamwork" but in my opinion that's a word that nicely sums up what he writes about in this chapter. And he's referring to teamwork in the church. I want to use the analogy of a "team" to do some thinking and teaching about the church for the next few weeks. We'll call it, "Team Jesus." Today we're going to focus on the "coach" of Team Jesus - Jesus.


I Corinthians 12:4-6 "There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord.There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men."

Great teams don't just happen, they're created. There must be a leader, a mover and a shaker, a creative force that calls that team into existence and holds that team toge ...

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